Our Mission

Teaching kids science is tough! Even a myriad of “science is fun!” learning aides can fall short: if it looks like oatmeal, kids won’t eat it.

Science Ninjas is different. Echoing the style of perennial kids’ favorites Dragonball and Pokemon, Science Ninjas is set in a familiar but futuristic world. Eleven-year-old Dr. Eureka Fermi leads her team of Science Ninjas against obstacles they can only overcome with the clever application of scientific and engineering principles.

Readers stay engaged and follow the science because even complex ideas are broken down visually. Gamers perform the repetitive "heavy lifting" of learning by playing a game that embeds science into its strategy.

Beyond our dream to motivate the next Einstein or Curie to pursue science, we also strive to make science accessible for a larger audience. Ongoing dialogues about climate change and sustainability require a science-literate population. With games and ninjas, we will make science more accessible!